The Olympics are back and its time to celebrate! While you can host a Winter Olympics party anytime during the next two weeks I am in favor of hosting one during the opening ceremonies, which airs tomorrow night. To get you into your team U-S-A spirit I have put together some fun ideas to help you create a fun Winter Olympics Party, with a few Russian additions of course! 

A great way to coordinate a viewing party is to create an online invitation like this one from evite. They have a dozen different Olympic and team USA themed designs to choose from and you don't have to worry about postage!
Food and Decorations
There are so many different ways that you can choose to theme your Olympic menu and decor. For an opening ceremonies party you can come up with fun food ideas using the Olympic rings and decorate with flags from every country. With Russia hosting the Olympics this year you could also add some unique menu items that those in Sochi might be enjoying.
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This one is pretty easy. Check your local listings and see what time the Olympics will be on TV. Make sure you have plenty of seating room for your guests and let the cheering begin! 

And for a complete schedule of what sports are competing which day here is a great chart to follow or you can download the NBC Olympics Highlights and Results app from iTunes. 
What events are you looking forward to watching during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games? Go team USA!!


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