Happy Tuesday to you all! There are so many great holidays to celebrate during March, like Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day, but the list doesn't have to stop there! There are so many great reasons to celebrate this month so without having to wait any longer, here are a few of my favorite reasons that will have you reaching for your party hats...
March 4th: National Pancake Day. And it is also Mardi Gras aka Fat Tuesday aka Pancake Day! So really there is no excuse not to enjoy a fluffy stack of pancakes in celebration today.
March 6th: National Oreo Day. This year is Oreo's 102nd Birthday and I say we celebrate with the birthday Oreo cookie!
March 10th: National Napping Day. Since you loose an hour of sleep the day before because of Day Light Savings I think this is the perfect excuse to celebrate National Napping Day today.
March 12th: Girl Scout Day. Because you still want/need a reason to justify buying that box (or three) of Girl Scout cookies. Go ahead and splurge!
March 13th: Popcorn Lover's Day. Today is the perfect day to enjoy popcorn and share it with others. Enjoy it the traditional way, with salt and butter, or add anyone of a number of flavors to it like cheddar cheese, parmesan, garlic, and even hot pepper! YUM!
March 14th: Pi Day! The best way to celebrate? By eating 3.14 pies of course. (I'll let you figure out the math on how to cut .14 of a pie.)
March 17th: Bracket Monday. For some, March Madness is better than Christmas (Please note I said some as it does not include me - I love Christmas way too much!). So grab your basketball buddies, fill out those brackets and let the craziness begin!
March 23rd: National Chip & Dip Day. While March 14th might be National Potato Chip Day, you know you like and enjoy chips that much more when you can eat them with your favorite dip. Celebrate by hosting a party and have everyone bring their favorite chip & dip combination. 
March 26th: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. It doesn't matter what you want to celebrate today as you are allowed to make this whatever you want! Maybe throw a celebration for celebrating? haha 
March 30th: Pencil Day. Today is the day that we celebrate the official creation of the most famous writing utensil ever! They can write underwater, in space, and upside down. Take that pens! 

What holiday are you looking forward to celebrating the most this month? I know one thing for certain, no matter which holidays you celebrate you definitely won't go hungry! Happy Fat Tuesday!


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